Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Dr.? Dr. Who?

Monday, December 15, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree
This is was we started with. I put on the lights all by myself because it's easier that way. I have both white and color lights for the tree. Then the decoration crew came in to help out.
I have the simple ornaments that are very child friendly and I have some cute memorable ones as well. I also have the glass/plastic ornaments as well and had deep, resonating fear that Garrin would break all of them as soon as he could get his hands on them. Garrin has broken one of those ornaments but it was purely by accident so I'm not as worried anymore.
Garrin was really good about actually putting the ornaments on the tree. Of course, he couldn't quite master hanging them so they more just "set" on the limbs. And he prefers the "bundled" look of the ornaments so there are about 10 just sitting in this one little spot of my tree, but I think it adds some character. Everyday I take a few out and hang them again and every day he gets them off and lays them back where they belong. There are always a few stray ornaments on the table or on the floor but I'm not nearly as worked up about it as I thought I might be. In the end the boys did a great job and now they are just so excited to see some presents under there! Merry Christmas, everyone.
Monday, December 8, 2008
OBX 2008
ps. each poster may only use one crack about me in a wet suit!
These pictures are of us in Blacksburg VA where we spent a few days with my bro and his clan before returning home to UT.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Secret
We will be flying out tomorrow to the fabulous east coast (Outer Banks for anyone who wants to know) and will be staying there for almost two weeks. Plan to hear little to nothing from me while there and then be bombarded by pictures and stories of our awsome adventures when we return...
Enjoy the game while I will be enjoying this...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Clincally speaking

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
March of the Penguins

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Almost done...
The class was all week and 10 hours each day. Including an hour commute. It made for a long week but I MUST thank all of you who helped out in watching the boys for me. Thank you to Jessica, Julianne, Brock & Kim (even though we pulled out on ya!), Marilee, my mom, my dad and ESPECIALLY my above average Joe for reworking his schedule to make it as easy as possible for me to accomplish this. I am SO lucky to have such a supportive husband! (Secretly, he just wants me to get done so he can stay home and I can make the money...but still)
I now have 2 more days of clinicals to finish and then a few tests and I'll be all officialized. I am hoping to be done before we leave on our Thanksgiving vacation to the east coast.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU all again for your help, your prayers and your thoughts. I know that I would not have made it without you all.
Monday, October 20, 2008
9 Years In The Making...

Thursday, October 16, 2008
...Because I am mom

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My Above Average Joe

Monday, October 13, 2008
Food Snobs

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Little Joe's Wrangler
Joe has often told me the story about when he was little his dad would sing him a song called "Little Joe Wrangler". I had never heard of this song before. While were down on this visit the few kids that were there decided to go out in search of the old records of their youth. They were told they were in the garage which means "good luck on finding them" but they did. I got to see the record collection that raised my hubby. In this treasure trove was also discovered a copy of the song "Little Joe Wrangler". Apparently it has about 16 versus and Joe's dad can still remember most of them! The story of the song is that a young cowboy is torn from his home to go to war, I think, and is "lost". The thing about this childhood story that I LOVE is that Joe's dad would have his little boy on his lap and sing to him and at the end of the song my little Joe would look up at his dad with tears in his eyes and say "Did he die, dad, did he die?" The WHOLE family knows this story of my above average Joe because everytime his dad would sing it Joe would have the same reaction. You wouldn't know it to look at him, but Joe is quite the softy.
So, on this trip we got to hear the song that is legend in the Western family. I was distratced from the song only to run for my camera because my sister-in-law found it suitable to make Joe's little boy a wrangler himself.
Grand Ol' Flag
Trevin is going to turn 9 in 10 days. Last Tuesday he had the opportunity to present the flag in his cub scout meeting. This was a great thing to me because he'd never done it before and I had my camera handy! He asked so many questions about how to do it to his leaders because he wanted to do it right. He is a very detail oriented boy with things like this. That night he was awareded his Wolf. I have no pictures of that presentation because Joe is the one presenting the awards to the boys and they always have the scouts mom's up with them as they are awarded. I even get my own little pin. (They know who is home making sure these boys get these things done.) I was very proud of my little man. He did a great job and has really loved being in scouts for the last year.
Friday, September 26, 2008
All that is Super Saturday
Thanks Ladies! It should be a blast. Please link this to anyone you know in the ward!
Jeneece & Juli
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Little boys & lace
Garrin has MANY blankets. It comes from having a family talented in the sewing department. However, one has been chosen as the bestest in little Garrin's world. This was not one that he came home from the hospital in. Not the one that mom, grandma, great-grandma or uncle made and gave to him. It is one that was given to him at an odd time. When Garrin was about 4 months old my grandmother Rasmussen died (on my mom's side). It still saddens me that my baby boy will never know that the reason that his family is how it is, is ALL HER FAULT. We love my grandma dearly, but really, if you knew her...you know of what I speak.
Anyway, at her funeral Garrin was bundled into his carseat sleeping the evening away when a great-uncle of mine (i think) came over and asked if the baby was a boy or a girl. I said it was the latest of grandma's grandsons. The last one she met. He sighed, smiled and turned to walk out the doors. I thought very little of it and went about speaking to other family members. I noticed this great uncle (i cannot remember his name) coming back in with a bag but was engaged in conversation so that was the last I saw of him. When I went back to check on Garrin the bag that was carried in by this uncle had been placed right above him and I saw that it was a beautiful baby quilt. A blue one with airplanes that had been tied and finished with a lace edge. I'm a great lover of blankets and was sad that I did not get to properly thank the generosity of this relative of mine. I have no idea if this gift was intended for Garrin or they just happen to have a baby boy quilt in the car. Either way we've been very happy to take care of it.
Since that time that blanket has been used on Garrin's changing table because it was so soft. Not long ago Garrin started to notice the pretty lace on the edges and became obssesed with feeling the lace on his face. He would pull it down to him when it was naptime and you could not get it out of his clutches when he wakes up. He carries it around for comfort and when he gets tired he rubs the lace across his face over and over. He will not sleep without this blanket now and I think it's adorable! Thank you great uncle for the comfort you have provided my baby boy.>
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Back from beyond the heat

Friday, September 19, 2008
St. George

There are a few selling points to St. George, I won't lie. Above Average Joe and my mom will enjoy a lovely little golfing game (along with Trevin), there is some fun shopping outlets down there (and close to Vegas shopping as well) for my sister and myself. There are specific eateries that are well liked such as In n' Out (for AAJ) and Nielson's (for me). But the best selling point to this weekend is the fact that St. George is home to the Tuacahn Outdoor Theater. Right now they are putting on Les Miserables. I LOVE this play. AAJ LOVES the music and has never seen it on stage so we figured this was a good time. The first time I saw it was in Chicago. I've also seen it in SLC. It's a fabulous story/book (which my pHd brother has read...in FRENCH ((SHOW OFF))). Since it is an outdoor theater, this hotness of the land may make the night show a very comfortable place to be, I'm hoping. I will report back about how our weekend went when we return.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Craftiness Within
Here is the "scrapbook name frame" This was the one that gave me the most grief. 3 trips to Roberts and about 2 hours of sheer frustration just trying to get this to look "ok". I am NOT a scrapbooker but I know a lot of women are so I tried to make it somewhat inspiring. This one I love for it's pure simplicity. People have been making comments about Joe and I being married since 1950. This one I made for my in laws who, as of TODAY have been married 58 years, raised 11 children and are still as much in love as ever. They are SUCH an example. Too bad I can't give this to them until Oct when super saturday is over...
This is the one that I came up with myself while trying to be crafty and am pretty proud of it. The "name size frames" (like above) are tricky to find or really pricey so I got the idea to use a more widely available size. This is the 11x14 document floating frame that is pretty common. I just added some wedding pictures to really bring it together. Sorry about the flash/light spots. I'm not a photographer either...