There are a few selling points to St. George, I won't lie. Above Average Joe and my mom will enjoy a lovely little golfing game (along with Trevin), there is some fun shopping outlets down there (and close to Vegas shopping as well) for my sister and myself. There are specific eateries that are well liked such as In n' Out (for AAJ) and Nielson's (for me). But the best selling point to this weekend is the fact that St. George is home to the Tuacahn Outdoor Theater. Right now they are putting on Les Miserables. I LOVE this play. AAJ LOVES the music and has never seen it on stage so we figured this was a good time. The first time I saw it was in Chicago. I've also seen it in SLC. It's a fabulous story/book (which my pHd brother has read...in FRENCH ((SHOW OFF))). Since it is an outdoor theater, this hotness of the land may make the night show a very comfortable place to be, I'm hoping. I will report back about how our weekend went when we return.
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