Let me now tell you a little story about a boy named Garrin. Garrin LOVES the water. Anywhere he can find it he will play with it. Puddles, drains, pools, rain, anything. If he hears water he MUST be in it. There's a law. So while we were down visiting grandma and grandpa Western in Delta last weekend it came to the time of the bath. Garrin LOVES his baths. He even cuddles with the water during them (i need a picture of that). When he hears the water running he charges down the hall to partake in his fabulous bath time. Now, at home Garrin can get into the tubs rather easily now (little monkey) but down at G&G Westerns they have a really high tub so Garrin's foolish mommy thought he wouldn't be able to get in without help. OH, the foolish, silly mommy that he has! Garrin's mommy started the tub and then went into the other room to get his jammies. Before other mommies start gasping about leaving a child alone with running water (yes, I KNOW a child can drown in 1/2" of water!), it should be mentioned that Grandpa W was there. The man has had 13 kids. I trusted that he knew the drill. Well, a few moments after mommy went to get Garrin's jammies Grandpa W bellowed down the hall "WE HAVE AN ISSUE HERE". Mommy came back up the hallway with a pretty good idea of what our issue was...
Even though the tub sides are MUCH higher than the ones at Garrin's own house he would NOT let that detour him from attaining his tub time as fast as possible. Grandpa W is not quite as spry as he once was so he informed me that the splash was all he heard and he could do nothing about it.
Garrin was SO PLEASED with himself (don't you think the Superman outfit is just SO fitting here) that he SPLASHED with such triumph that all anyone could do was laugh and take pictures. THE END
This has no story to it but it needs to be mentioned. Garrin has this way of kneeling. He doesn't waste the time/energy of going down on both knees because that takes longer to get up from. He simply, "takes a knee" as we call it. Grandma W thought this was the cutest thing ever! ...and yes, he still uses a binki when it's time to go to sleep and the stove top that he is "taking a knee on" is off and locked.
I didn't know you had a blog! Man! Where have I been. You have now been added to my blog. :)
And with that said...I take a knee and smile in humility. :) Soooo cute! What a smart little guy you have!
I am sooooo glad that Carson has not figured out that dryers have lights. Because, heaven knows we spend plenty of time in the door way of the fridge playing with the light. :)
He is so cute, I just love him to pieces and want to squeeze him!! His pics are so cute that your friend did, I will be showing them to everyone!
I'm going to be redundant and say that those are seriously cute pictures. Oh, and thank you for referring me to the pregnancy journal. I have mine now, it's fabulous.
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