Neither above average Joe or I were raised in this way. There were other kids (in Joe's fam LOTS of other kids) to feed so casseroles abound. The luxuries we had were Sunday dinners and the occasional outing for special occasions. It was not until later in life that I discovered the real joy of food. My first experience with really good food was with my first love Chris who has gone on in his life to become an AMAZING chef. He is currently in Spain training under some top chefs at an internationally acclaimed restaurant. Now, I should also tell you that above average Joe is fabulous in the kitchen. (Ask anyone he has cooked for) He has the touch, he has the taste. It is something he has picked up in his older years. I, myself, cannot cook. I can fake it enough to feed my family, but that's it. Luckily, I bake pretty well. Which means above average Joe can cook a sensational meal then I'll come in with a warm your heart dessert.
Because above average Joe has taken to being a food snob or "foodie" as known in the industry there are things that happen in my house that do not happen in normal homes. Let me explain. This big foodie is now teaching his palatable ways to Trevin. Trevin is a good eater, most the time. I do feed him contrary to what he may look like. But he has developed his own tastes to certain things. For example, when we have Italian nights and there are noodles around you CANNOT open the fridge and find the Kraft grated Parmesan cheese and sprinkle that onto my son's food. OH NO, he must have fresh Parmesan (that thankfully, Costco sells) and it MUST be at least 9 months aged. I kid you not. I have tried to fool the kid and he has called me on it. He can tell the difference in cheese. Thank you, Joseph.
Also, if we happen to be eating at your house and you serve mashed potatoes please have above average Joe come early to handle them. Because if garlic, cream and "good" mozzarella cheese are not used my son's potatoes will remain on his plate all night and you will hear of how "Joe's are WAY better". I think Joe basks in that one a bit.
Don't get me wrong. Trevin will eat bologna sandwiches and Ramen noodles as well he just has learned these few things and it's starting to expand.
Such was the case yesterday. I was making a simple pb&j sandwich for myself when Trevin asked for a sandwich himself. I asked him what kind and when he FINALLY decided it was on peanut butter and honey. Now to understand the depth of this particular story you must be aware that we have a beekeeper in the family. That's right. So we get the perks of fresh honey that is usually free and has come from a variety of places. Did you know that it depends on what the bee's are pollinating as to the flavor of the honey? Well, it's true and there are MANY flavors. Because of this we have a "few" different honey's in the house and this trickle down effect has affected them in my foodie world. I had the peanut butter on the bread and grabbed one of our honey bears only to be informed that that was "alph-alpha honey" and was not suitable for my son's gentle palate. He didn't want orange because it's too bitter and wasn't in the mood for sage (either from Delta OR California) either. He must have the Clover honey. Are you serious? So I found our clover honey and made him a sandwich. Afterwards I went to find my above average Joe and slap him silly.
I've never been so happy that Jon is not a foodie...
That is awesome. Trevin can grow up to be on one of those cooking reality shows, make millions as a famous chef and you can live like royalty.
Yah...so, I think I will never ask you guys over for dinner. Thanks for scaring me about my own ability to cook. (Which isn't that great...and surely not as good as Joe could cook..I am sure of that!)So...when should we come to your house? :)
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