Trevin is now in his last year of single digit manhood. This accomplishment was celebrated by friends and family on Sunday October the 19th. Because his birthday fell on a Sunday this year and because last year his birthday party nearly caused a chapter 11 filing of our bank book it was decided that a family party would be the course this year. For those thinking that I am a cruel and heartless are correct. Just don't forget to add cheap to the list. Trevin's items received are as follows:
~ Battleship (the boardgame)
~ Sleeping Beauty (dvd) (Trevin loves this movie but does think that they should have known each other a bit longer before they kissed...)
~ Iron Man (dvd)
~ Gameboy games of Clue, Battleship, and Risk
~ Build Your Own Lightsaber kit! This was the hit. Trevin already has about 6 light sabers but this one he can create and engineer. He has been playing with it all morning. I even had to kick Joe off to work to stop playing with it.
Because we are the cold cruel family that did a rather low key party we also agreed to fork out some of his inheritence and buy him a rather expensive birthday present. We will be picking up his new Nintendo DS Lite in Cobalt blue with matching carrying case and new game of his choice tonight. Seriously, next time you see Trevin, walk up to him and ask "who's spoiled?" and he will proudly answer "i am."

You lost your cheap status by buying him a nintento or whatever gaming system. But I say props to you.
Soooooooooo cute at three and nine! :) I'll be sure to ask Trevin about all his birthday 'joys' next time I see him. :) But, with that said, I am pretty sure you are not the cheapest mom out there! Not with that plethera (sp?) of goodness. Scooby's right! No more cheap status for you!
Happy Birthday Trev!! Looks like he made out like a bandit!! :) Glad he had a fun day :)
You are so mean..................just like me. That is why I like you so much :)
why is he getting so old, it creeps me out, wasn't he just crawling around the other day.....i swear we didn't age that fast...
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