Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Questioning my sanity...

You know, at 28 weeks pregnant, this may not be the BEST time for me to start work. This came to me this morning when I was in training and had to excuse myself from a patients room to get some fresh (cold) air or pass out. It's not that I'm not capable but I haven't exactly been working up to it.
I am SO greatful for the opportunity to work and this job just landed so squarely in my lap that it felt like I really needed to use it while I can. I don't have to work again until Saturday and honestly working 3-4 hours each morning for a week shouldn't kill me but I do have self doubt now. Let's hope my ambition and determination override whatever shanangins this little one may have about mommy actually being in the work force for a few weeks before making it's grand enterence.
So, to all of you lovely friends out there in cyberworld say a little prayer that I can be okey dokey through this and that above average Joe's job situation comes to us in a nicely tied package so that I don't have to think of increasing hours...
...if only the world worked like that huh?


Moog said...

Good luck sweetie! I hope that things calm down a bit and you are able to adjust quickly. Of course you will be in our thoughts and prayers. Love you!

Jennifer said...

It never rains but it pours, eh? Seriously, we are sorry that you have so many stressful things happening at once in your life. Good luck with the job transition, and PLEASE let us know if we can do ANYTHING for you and your family!

Lindsey said...

Where are you working??? Good luck with it all-you guys are troopers.