Wednesday, February 18, 2009

notes from the heart

Last weekend was spent down at above average Joe's parents place. We had a family member leaving on a mission and so we went down there to see the mass gathering...and I mean mass.

Since it happened to coincide with the actual Valentines Day on the calendar my sweet 9 year old presented me with this little note:

(to mom from boo-boo ((Garrin)) and trevin. Dear mom I'm sorry I didn't get you something for valentines but me and boo boo love you. your sons trevin and boo boo)

It was more than I could have ever asked for.


Moog said...

That is about the cutest thing I have ever seen! What sweet boys you have! Sounds like it was a perfect Valentines day!

Jennifer said...

So sweet! If that doesn't melt a mom's heart I don't know what will. Thanks for sharing!

Scooby and Jon said...

That is stinkin cute. I hope you're feeling good with the pregnancy and all the fun that goes with!

Aldred Family said...

Seriously? How cute is that!! I would take that note over flowers you're going to throw away anyday!!

The Shill Spill said...

I'm pretty sure you could not have a more considerate son! (Can Jake come over and get some lessons?) Thanks!