Monday, August 24, 2009

Paper Bag

Trevin on the first day of 4th grade!

This will be an interactive post...I expect to see MANY comments!

Trevin came home from school today, and along with his math and reading homework he had a plain paper bag with instructions that were to fill it with 8 things that make him...him. It got me thinking what I would put in my paper bag today. Trevin filled his with great things that really show who he is and what he likes. The things in Trevin's paper bag are as follows:
1. A Movie (Specifically Pirates of the Carribean...could have been Star Wars too)
2. A CD (he wanted to take Barenaked Ladies but I didn't want to be called in on the first week of school so we sent the Shrek 2 soundtrack)
3. His pinewood derby car (because he likes boyscouts and building things)
4. His football trophy (he loves football)
5. A Baseball (he loves baseball)
6. A magnet of a lighthouse in OBX (this is a vacation that we have taken twice now and signifies how much he loves the beach...and vacations in general)
7. A picture of the family (because he LOVES being a big brother)
8. This one is still being debated but it's a toss between a soda can (because he likes soda) and his wallet (because he likes money to buy things).

The 8 things in my bag....

1. My wedding ring (i love this ring and i love what it represents)
2. Chocolate chip cookie (i do like to bake and i'm pretty good at it...never bad to have a little chocolate in your life too)
3. Picture of my kids (obvious reasons)
4. The Giving Tree book (i love this book)
5. A theater pin (i love the theater)
6. Sand from a beach (representing travel and the ocean)
7. a bracelet that my best friend gave me a few months before he died (to remember him and to remember how precious friendship is)
8. The song I Hope You Dance (which is how I try to live my life and in small tribute to the fact that I cannot dance as I once did)

So I put it to you...what are the 8 things in your bag????


Moog said...

I loved this! Had to post my eight things. Thank you so much for sharing Trevin's home work.

Lisa said...

My paper bag can fit large items, okay?

1. my sewing machine
2. a book--any book because I love to read but don't have a favorite
3. my hammock
4. a picture of the temple--because to me that means eternal families
5. a picture of the mountains because that's where I like to be
6. a broom
7. a grocery store ad
8. a diaper--the last three represent my current life of housewife/mother

The Shill Spill said...

1. A bundle of yarn -- because crocheting is relaxing and productive...can't beat both in the same activity.
2. A softball
3. A picture of some friends -- because friends are just that important to me.
4. A pillow -- to represent that I love sleep.
5. A pedigree chart -- Grateful for my Eternal Family/Joy of Family History
6. A Spaghetti meal -- It's the best simple meal ever! (And I like simple foods.)
7. A laugh -- Because I never feel better than when I am laughing and enjoying good company! I love to laugh!
8. A picture of my children. (They represent a lot about who I all their personality.)

Unknown said...

What a cute idea, i love what was in yours and trevin's bag.

My bag:
1. a picture of my family, yes i even love those silly brothers.
2. a book of my piano music
3. a book-i can't pick just one!
4. my running shoes
5. my stethoscope for my hard earned nursing degree
6. my tiny Book of Mormon because I love the gospel
7. my ipod and cell phone-i don't know how to live without either
8. can my skis fit in this bag??

Scooby and Jon said...

1. My Wedding Ring
2. Picture of my boys
3. Key to my condo- because I love my home here.
4. a book of some sort.
5. Picture of the temple- yay for eternal families!
6. Swimsuit- I love to be in the water, outside relaxing. Preferably on a beach, but I'll take a swimming pool in a pinch.
7. Creme brulee- because I love good desserts.
8. Ipod. Music is fabulous.