"Excuse me?"
"There is a piece of paper stuck in my ear."
"And how did this piece of paper get stuck in your ear?"
"I put it there."
"...cause I was bored."
u-huh. See I'm the type of mom who believes in scaring her kids straight. I have shown Trevin pictures of lung cancer when talking about smoking. I have shown him fried neurons in the brain after drug use. I've shown pictures of liver damage when discussing drinking and sever head wounds when talking to him about wearing helmets...I'm that mom. But I guess I was a little late on the whole don't stick things in your orafices. I know I had told him this but this day was the day I had to break out the full picture of the ear and expain the damage that can be done there. When I had him thouroughly convinced that he'd be deaf by the end because of this I figured I had proven my point.
Now, I know some stuff so I figured that I should be able to get this piece of paper out. I have suction instruments and enough bodily knowledge to be adequate in most things like this. But I couldn't get it. This bit of paper had made it's way too deep in for me to get it out. So we called the doctors office. This is when Trevin really got that this was a bonehead move.

After the tears of embarassment subsided Trevin resigned himself to losing the rest of his afternoon to that of a doctors office. Just having to deal with this little dilema is enough for a 9 year old but the fun didn't stop there. When one of his friends came over to ask him to play Trevin somehow forgot how to open doors and slammed the front door into his forehead leaving him with a nice goose-egg seen here. You can see the protrudence on the right side of his forehead and still today is has some bruising coloring to it but the swelling is finally down.
You can see how much a good day this was going to be for us. When we made it to the doctors office the doc glanced into the ear and easily saw the paper lodged in there and announced that he'd need to get his alligator clips to reach it properly. This terrified Trevin. Made me giggle a little. Now the reason you are getting pictures of all this is simple. The day before I had advised my lovely neighbor to remember that having kids is just something we have to take in stride (because her son had just done something a bit mischievious) and keep a sense of humor about it. Karma kicked my butt with that little nugget of advice but because I had said it only 24 or hours previous to this it was only fair that instead of seeing this as a big pain I grabbed my camera and decided to document this trip fully so I could humilate Trevin in later years. After all, isn't that part of the joy of parenting?

This is the spread of "cool tools" that the doctor got laid out. I think it was more for dramtic effect since he only really used some of them but that piece of white paper that has bent sciccors is the alligator clamp that he used to remove the piece of paper from Trevin's ear. After he got it out he looked in the ear again and announced there was something else in his ear as well...which he couldn't reach and it would need to be irrigated out. So the nurse came in for that part and got Trevin all prepped.

Trevin did really well with this. At first he was completely freaked thinking that that was a shot he would have to recieve but when she explained that it was just water he was more approachable. I think she irrigated 4 times and kept laughing that I was taking pictures about it. I told her I needed something for his wedding center pieces.

Wow, that is quite a story. Trevin, Trevin, Trevin.
yeah I don't know how many times I have to tell Noah not to stick q-tips and other items into his ear. Boys...sheesh
Wow! What a day Trev! I've had ear wax irrigated out of my ear. It looked like a jelly bean. Nice, I know. But, true! It's not even very fun to have the irrigation done. Oh well! What do you do!? Waiting to hear about a baby, ey!?
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