Thursday, April 9, 2009

One of "THOSE" nights...

I had the opportunity to attend a lovely little baby shower last night (Hi Linds!) wherein I saw so many cute baby girl things that it almost, maybe, a little, kind of made me think that having a girl would be fun. I thoroughly enjoyed the time out of the house and surrounded by other ladies who had no problem sharing in my utter detestment of my own body and my whiny attitude about this rapidly growing fetus that continues to kick the crap out of me. I very much enjoyed the conversations and the companionship.

When I got home though...

Above Average Joe waited until I got up the stairs but as soon as he had eye contact he looked at me and said "Do you know what *YOUR* son did?"

Ah, *MY* son. I know that this means that it was good. You never give up your part of parentalship unless it's really worthy so I sat down next to him and asked him what had happened. BUT, first I did clarify "is it a horror that I will be appauled by or will I weep with hilarity because it didn't happen to me?"
"A little of both, I think," responded my hubby.
And I braced myself.

Just so you have the scene in your mind. "The Son" was played by Garrin tonight. Trevin has had plenty of staring roles but tonight it was the little one. Above Average Joe had put Garrin to bed in his pack n' play, where he has slept since he was born. Garrin has ALWAYS been a great sleeper (I know what a blessing it is). Trevin and Above Average Joe were playing the Wii when all of this went down. *curtain up* narrated by *The Father*
"*YOUR SON* had been put down for bed and about a half an hour later there were some noises coming from the room. Then I heard him squeeling like he was in distress so I went into the room just in time to see our little boy who had somehow figured out how to climb the side of his current bed and had himself high centered on the bar. As I entered the room Garrin made the final fall to the ground and squealed with delight."

Being the responsible parent that Joe is he picked him up and put him back in the pack n' play and didn't even make it to the door before Garrin had made it out again and actually ran past him to go into the front room where all the playing was happening. This is the point where Joe tells me that he laughed until he cried.

Apparently, Above Average Joe did succeed in getting Garrin back to sleep relatively soon thereafter and into his pack n' play. Having heard this story the parents of *THE BOY* decided that the next morning we would have to retire the pack n' play and actually start the transition to the bed. I went to bed and Above Average Joe stayed up and "geeked out" (read: played xbox360) for a few hours. I woke at about 3:30 this morning hearing the music to Curious George in my room and turned to see Garrin in his dads arms who had obviously been trying to soothe the little one back to sleep....again. I took over from there. I went into the boys room where Trevin was sound asleep on the bed (we have bunk beds) and I laid Garrin down next to him hoping that he'd just fall asleep next to his brother...not so much. An hour and a half later after being locked in the boys room waiting for Garrin to be tired enough to just fall asleep SOMEWHERE I was able to go back to bed...for an hour.

It's true folks. I witnessed it myself. The pack n' play is now useless because our little acrobat can so swiftly and gracefully get himself out of it that there is no reason for it to be there anymore. This morning we packed it up (until the next little one comes) and Garrin is currently napping on the bottom bunk. I am poised for a very long next few days/nights with this new situation. Feel free to chime in with any words of wisdom because I haven't had to deal with this in SO MANY YEARS that I'm not even sure I should be trusted with such a job. Hopefully, once Garrin gets the idea that the bed is now his he will return ever so angelically to his peaceful sleep routine of simply giving kisses and laying down with his blanket and binki to fall asleep all on his least, that's what *MY* son would do.


Lindsey said...

Lol! Charlie is still in bed transition so I am no person to advise. Thanks again for coming last night...and now the laughs.

The Olsen Family said...

That was a perfect story. I am so glad to hear that YOUR SON is simliar to MY SON. I hope all is well.

The Shill Spill said...

Not that I think that I may be much help to you. But, this is what we did when Jake transitioned. (Such a rite of passage, right?)
We pretty much told him to stay in the bed, and not get out till morning. But, did that work? Oh No! So, then we put a gate up at the door, stopping him from coming out of the room, but he just screams, and sobs, and throws the biggest fit I've ever seen, for the longest amount of time I've ever seen. Then....after MANY hours of torture and pain for both parties involved in this transition we just decided to take turns holding the door shut until he stopped. Oh, don't worry! It only took 2 nights of almost all nighters. But, then the problem was fixed. Uhhhhhhhhhh...good luck!