Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dr. appt #4672

At least, that's what it feels like...

So we went to the dr this morning to do all the doctorly things that happen when you are "with child". Garrin FREAKED OUT when the doctor came in the room. I have never seen him react like that. He's been with me to almost all my appt's and hasn't had an appt for himself in months. He even had Above Average Joe holding him the whole time. It was a little funny though whenever the dr would leave he'd calm but when he'd come back in the screaming started again. Poor doctor.

So here's all the stats that you may or may not be interested in. I am 1 cm dialated but the cervix is still thick so I am allowed to finish this week of work. I am having contractions here and there, but nothing I can't stop if I let myself relax. The doctor did say that the more pregnancies you have the harder and sooner the contractions come. Isn't that just the most soothing thing to hear? The baby is head down (thank goodness) and my blood pressure is up. This concerns my doc, but not me too much. My bp has always gone up when I am close to the end of pregnancies so I just see it as a sign instead of a red flag but because of that I'll be in the doc's office once a week now until I give birth. The doc did also say that the baby is pretty low which I already knew but it only magnified my mild anxiety attacks about my water breaking when I'm trying to help a patient and then having to get that patient out of their wheelchair so I can use it. Seriously, I have this odd feeling that will happen and how cruel is that?

I want to thank everyone who has been so interested in my well-being and my families. We feel so loved right now and it renews our hope that we are watched over by some of the sweetest angels out there. I promise I will keep everyone posted as this gets to it's climactic ending.


Julie Stevenson said...

Hang in there! I can't wait either! I love the suspense of it all. J

Lindsey said...

Yay for updates! You were lyin when you just said you got all caught up to date on blogging today. I'm inspired.

The Shill Spill said...

Just as long as you don't reach Dr. appt. #6129. You're sure to be in trouble then!
Glad things are well. :) Please don't steal some poor old ladies wheelchair. I can just see you pushing her out, just so your baby won't come out too soon! :)