Saturday, April 25, 2009


I totally have an AWESOME post that I can't get up because my lame camera has decided to stop functioning for some reason. I promise once I beat this digital equipment in line you will see some super fun blogging.

In the mean-time here are the "fun facts" of my life right now...

I'm done with work...almost. I get to train the girl taking over my patients next week so that whole "no more working thing" isn't quite true.

I am seriously crippled. On Friday I must have overdone my last day because walking is now a thing of the past. My right hip is out or something and I cannot for the life of me get it back to a position that is even semi-comfortable some of the time. Seriously, I'm a sad big preggo woman now wobbling around from my bed to couch pretending to be of some use to someone. I'm so pathetic. Does anyone know a massure that is specialized in the severely pregnant?

Also, since I am so lame on the posting thing if you want to see some pics of me preggo check out my sister's blog who has some great photos of me and the boys.

Lastly, Sunday marks Above Average Joe's and I anniversary. FOUR YEARS baby. That's one year more than my last marriage (ka-ching!) and only one year more to beat his last record! It's on, baby. Since I am so broken right now and he just broke (cause he isn't working) I'm thinking this "fruit" anniversary will be celebrated by me slicing up a nice apple for him and maybe he'll make me a nice smoothy in the morning. Yeah, baby. That's how you keep the magic ALIVE people!


The Shill Spill said...

Happy Anniversary tomorrow Joe and Jeneeece! So happy for you? Wow! I didn't even know that #4 was the fruit anniversary. See how much smarter you are than me! :) Love the pictures on your sister's blog, by the way! So fun!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary, Bon anniversaire de mariage.
Good luck on the impending delivery, I hope that everything will go well.
Bonne chance.

Lindsey said...

Fruit Smoothies. Sooo hot! :) I do however, feel your pain.