She is now 22 inches long (that's an inch and 1/2 more than birth) and weighs 8 lbs 14 oz (starting weight 7.6). So she is growing well and there are no issues to be concerned about. I talked to the doc about her possibly having allergies and such and he informed me that the tests are expensive and you can't really treat them until they are at least 2 if they come back positive so there's not a lot we can do other than keep her nose as clean as possible. Quick fact for you: Babies are nose breathers. They have to breath through their noses according to how their bodies work in the early years so they can eat easier. So there's your knowledge for the day!
She didn't have to get any shots today but they did have to do a PKU test which means they have to drain blood from her. The good news is that my daughter has wonderful clotting abilities. The bad news is that because of that they had to poke the poor thing 3 times and kept asking me to make her more mad because the blood came out easier when she was mad. Yeah, totally awesome mom moment there. The nurses are quite sure that she will always and forever hate them.
Another little noteworthy part of the doctor visit was the fact that Garrin hates when someone he doesn't know tries to touch his sister. He freaks out. It really is adorable even though it's tough to calm him down after. Makes me happy to know that Kiya will always be protected by her big brothers when it counts.
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