Friday, January 9, 2009

Yes, I know...

I'm lame because I have no posts of our Christmas extravaganza. Well, let me tell you why. Both Joe and my (and Trevin's dads) families ALL LIVE CLOSE BY. So you know what that means for Christmas? TRAVEL. Now, I am a fan of traveling, always have been. But when it's 20 mintues here, hour and half there, 40 minutes after tends to create long and dearly depressing days spent in cars hauling all the new schwack that MUST BE TAKEN EVERYWHERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE!

Not sure why I was feeling so scroogy this particular year but I didn't even really break out the camera and take pictures. Before you all pass out and cry your hearts out for my missed scrapbook opportunities know this...I don't scrapbook. AND I did use my brain enough to get my video camera out and use that a bit so there is SOME documentation that we celebrated Christmas about 4 times on Christmas. No kidding. We started at my mom's and when Trevin was dropped off (from his first present opening ceremony) we all dug in there. Then we had breakfast and went home to our christmas opening. Then we got all packed up and went to above average Joe's parents. We even contemplated going to my grandparents house as well but I could not take another car ride that day.

All in all it was a great Christmas and all of us were spoiled above and beyond. There are some pictures on my sisters blog of us at my moms (babes blog) but otherwise I don't really have any pictures and I'm sure I'll look back on that and regret it eventually. I have also stripped the house down of all Christmas decor as well. I just couldn't wait to get my house back to the working order that I know. Call me crazy.

New Years was VERY uneventful here. Trevin goes with his dad who lets him stay up all night long. I have a toddler in the house and know that he'll be up at 7am regardless of how late I go to bed so there is no reason for me not to get some sleep and turn into Dragon Lady to jump start the new year. Above Average Joe and I did manage to stay awake a whole hour later than we did last year though. We made to 11.30 pm. rock on.

I will be posting more now that I have this guilt ridden post off my chest.


The Shill Spill said...

Well, *phew* at least you have that taken care of! :) (That's how I felt with Christmas. But, as you'll notice...I didn't write ANYTHING.) Hmmmm....should I still feel guilty? :)

Baby Bling said...

Hey! I'm glad you found me, I love being able to check up on people. Are you guys still in Ph. Pointe? It's was fun to see your cute boys, I'll stalk often.