Monday, January 12, 2009

Spilled Milk

You know, it started out fine. I was the first one out of bed (not surprising) and got everyone fed, cleaned and dressed on time for departures. This happens about once a week because I like to do my grocery shopping early in the morning when I am one of about 3 people in the store. Just makes it much lest hectic. I even bought some new storage devices because above average Joe has built shelves in the boys room so I can now organize it so, so well. When I got home it's always a bit of a juggle to get all the groceries and kid upstairs but I normally conqure the task with little aggitation. This morning that aggitation multiplied to the point that I now have to have Garrin's memory wiped because he heard several curse words come out of his mommy's mouth (and that never happens!...I always wait until they are out of earshot).

I had Garrin, the last bag and 2 gallons of milk in my hands and had to close the back of the jeep. I couldn't get it done without dropping one of the gallons of milk on the ground causing it to explode. (enter explatives here) For some reason this little mishap is still gnawing at me. I have gone and "washed" out the garage and gotten everything put away and still have this list of tasks to complete but I feel completely defeated all due to spilled milk. I may cry.

Feel free to tell me about how you cried over spilled milk to make me feel better...


Scooby and Jon said...

I don't think it was spilled milk. But due to my pregnancy hormones, I cried during Get Smart, when Ann Hathaway thinks Steve Carrell is dead? I had seen it before, so I knew he wasn't, but I also knew Anne Hathaway was sad, so I cried.
I hope you feel better!!!

Moog said...

I cried on Saturday about a dropped snowman birthday cake that had to be re-made. I understand about that one thing that can tip the scale and make your day overwhelming. Every mother does.
Much love to you and I hope that you are over your spilled milk. Love you always!

The Shill Spill said...

Just go ahead and read the blog entry I just posted! All I have to say about that is: Two! I am pretty sure that if I wasn't so mad...I would have cried! (Does that make me a bad mom?)