1. Where did you meet? We met at work. We worked at a software company together. I was in marketing and he was in accounting. He was in charge of all my international accounts so we had to communicate daily. Took me about 3 weeks of shamelessly flirting before he realized he *might* want to ask me out.
2. How long did you date before you got married? Almost 2 years. We started dating in July of 2003 and married in April of 2005.
3. How long have you been married? 3.5 years. We totally celebrated that we made it past MY last standing record of marriage (which was 3 years) and now we have to beat Joe's old record (which is 5 years).
4. What does he do that surprises you? Joe is a pretty laid back guy so there aren't a lot of surprises but I do think it's adorable that he genuinly LOVES being a dad and is always so wrapped up in it. Sometimes, he listens to me too. That can be surprising.
5. What is your favorite feature of his? You know, he's just a hottie. How can you not love that big build with dark curly hair? makes my heart all a'fluttery.
6. What is your favorite quality of his? Joe would do anything for his family.
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Occasionally...he has called me kitten but otherwise, just the standards.
8. What is his favorite color? not sure...blue maybe?
9. What is his favorite food? Well, as my post before explains he has a pretty intense palate. You're always safe with dishes he learned from the resturant (Ottavios, the REAL one in Provo, NOT! the one they tried in AF). Any high scale meal will satisfy him. Course, there are times he craves his moms tater-tot casserole as well. He runs the gammit.
10. What is his favorite sport? Volleyball. And the boy ain't bad at it. He used to compete.
11. When/Where was the first kiss? crap. Seriously, Joe is better at remembering this stuff. It took him a while to kiss me. I think we had been dating almost a month when he finally planted me one. I'm pretty sure it was the parking lot of our employer. Wait, no at my house...crap. Well, it was on July 31st, I know that much!
12. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? We love going places (traveling) together. I love experiencing new things with him. We're also pretty happy just doing the movie/dinner gig...if we ever get to do that again.
13. Do you have children? Yes. Trevin is from my first marriage but Joe has never once treated him as anything but his own. Our little one, Garrin is 14 months old and Joe is anxious for more.
14. Does he have a hidden talent? hmmmm. He cooks, but that's not hidden. He plays volleyball well, but that's not hidden either. OH! (he's gonna be mad at me for this one). Joe has a great singing voice.
15. How old is he? *giggle* he just turned 38. There is an 8 year age difference between us.
16. Who said "I love you" first? I did. New Years Day of 2004. I was planning on doing it right at midnight but we had gone to a party that was miserable and had really killed ANY type of good feeling so after we left and it I just started crying and told him how I wanted it to be romantic and special. I can't remember if he said it right back to me.
17. What is his favorite type of music? I don't know that he has a favorite "type". He likes a lot of genres. His favorite band is BareNaked Ladies, though.
18. What do I admire about him? How easily he handles me. How tender he is with me (even though everyone thinks he's scary). His devotion to his family.
19. Will he read this? Probably. He likes to correct me when he comes home from work.