Monday, September 26, 2011

lunch time!

Are you suggesting that relief society potatoes and twix is not an appropriate lunchtime for a 30ish weekly preggo mom? how dare you.

I'll have you know that I did start with the twix. But I rethought and then placed the twix back in the cupboard to heat up the potatoes first. Sacrifice, people, sacrifice. Besides I can only eat one of the twix bars a day so it's not completely insane up in here.

But what to do while the microwave is going?....hmmm. Well, looking past the fresh grapes, strawberries, yogurt and BBQ chicken that is staring at me as the logical choice my eyes instead wander to that HUGE container of cookie dough from Costco. yep, that would be an excellent appetizer.

Normally, this kind of thing would not be in my fridge. See, I can be a bit of a cookie snob. I am not a great cook, but I am a decent baker. So last week I suddenly had a craving for chocolate chip cookies. Not a big deal except to make my cookies I'd need a good 3-4 hour heads up and that wouldn't help with my RIGHT NOW craving. I asked Joe to make me some and he looked at me like I had asked him to make me cookies. See, this point was established very early on in our relationship. Once he discovered my ability to bake (which was even before we started dating) it was written into the contract that that was MY field and he would not step into it. In all fairness and sweetness though he did take me to get ice cream which helped.

So anyway, I decided we needed to be prepared for this type of emergency again. I remembered that Costco had a coupon for it's pre-prepared tub o'cookie dough and since we just happened to be going there the next day, I picked one up. I'm a sucker for a good cookie, I'm an even bigger sucker for cookie dough. and my kids have totally picked up on this horrible yet tasty habit of mine. Once they hear the kitchen aid going they both run for front row seats by the bowl. totally awesome.

So yeah, there is my lunch. a spoonful or so of cookie dough and then I had a bowl of funeral potatoes. I'm also drinking lots of water and will now take my pre-natal vitamin. Once that settles, we'll see how the twix sounds...

(I wrote this post because I realized how silly I was as I was doing it and sometimes you just need to memorialize your silly. Feel free to laugh with me)

1 comment:

Scooby and Jon said...

No judgement here. Did I tell you about the time when I was pregnant with the boys when I ate a batch of funeral potatoes by myself in 2 days? (Minus the 1 serving Jon took for dinner). I originally made a half batch, and ate all but the one serving. Then the next day I made another half batch and ate it by myself.
I gained 8 lbs that month- that was also the month we found out that there were two babies, not one.