Friday, July 29, 2011

i'm sick

This is newsworthy. I don't get sick often. I have a pretty hearty immune system thanks to my mom. I don't deal well when sick because it happens so rarely.
I can handle anyone else being sick, I prefer it that way. I can accommodate. But when my body takes a detour, I just can't cope. Even with the good Kleenex, cough drops and kids who still nap everyday. I hate being sick.

I blame California.

We had my brother and sister-in-law and their clan here for a while. It was great, but they had spent a few weeks in Cali with other family previously and those evil germs in California must have made the road trip with them. You just can't have that many carrier monkeys...i mean kids about without someone getting something. I just happened to be the lucky winner this time.

It's a head cold. Which may be completely managable for someone who was not incubating an already very opinionated fetus. You see, this pregnancy has sucked. And this is just the latest sucktastic thing to pile on. I got sick the other night when someone opened a bag of licorice...i mean, come on! This child inside has very particular tastes and when I do not obey those directions, I pay dearly.

This is where you feel bad for me. Because I've never been sick with pregnancy before, and I don't get sick regularly either. So here I am SICKLY pregnant and SICK. I'll wait while you all wipe the tears to continue reading.

The little things that we as mom's do daily are not getting done here. Like cooking, or cleaning up, or showering.... I suddenly have a deep appreciation for that scripture which says that cleanliness is next to Godliness because none of that is here in this house.

Joe has missed several days of work because of his useless wife and it's not exactly luxurious here. Listening to me moan, cough and generally mucus up the house is what is happening here. That and a lot of Phineas and Ferb. Because I can't actually get off the couch.

I think I am through the worst of it but I'm still exceptionally exhausted and with my little bits of energy I can only get so much done. I did get the toys in the toy box today and then ventured into the room that should be the kitchen but has now just turned into storage for dirty dishes. I was totally planning on unloading the dishwasher and getting all those dirty dishes into the dishwasher until I came upon a sippy cup of chocolate milk that had been lost and forgotten for a few days apparently and when I opened it to rinse it out the blob that came out followed by the serious odor was just enough to send me sprinting to the bathroom. I figured having vomit covering all the dirty dishes would be even too much for Joe to handle. Once I returned to the "kitchen" I ran the hot water and disposal for about 10 minutes and turned on the scentsy. Which should cover all that grossness in a lovely lavendar scent. I know what you are thinking and you are right...Joe is a lucky guy!

1 comment:

Scooby and Jon said...

Sorry I've missed your blog for the past bit. Yay for expecting a new little one, that's exciting! and Yay for a new house!

and Boo for having a headcold while incubating. I'm having the same issue. Having a cold in August when you're pregnant just plain sucks. I hope you feel better soon!