Thursday, July 28, 2011

Family and such

We had the great opportunity to house some extra family for the last little while. It was one of the main reasons for buying a house of this magnitude that I could have an extra 14 or so people staying with us, and no one was really cramped. It's awesome. Until I have to clean it.
It was great to see everyone and I am sick and seriously sleep deprived from it, but totally worth it.
From these late nights came some very interesting conversations amid all the games and I promised those invovled that I would blog some of the more memorable quotes of the evenings. Feel free to add if I forgot any because hey...I was up until 2 am or so most mornings....haven't done that in YEARS.

"You know what I like about the ______ family"..."not that I don't like everything else..."

"Justin is only so good with math" "Yeah, since I only use it every day for every facet of my job"

"You know how Joe is a player"

"what happens on Thursday nights, stays on Thursday nights"

"Dueces are wild" "right, what's a duece?"

"Did Justin win?" "Yeah" "Then it doesn't count"

"It's ok, because he didn't look"

Along with many others that I can't think of right now. I also want to give a big shout out to my little sister who shared with us her wisdom of "floating" and "gazing". Believe me, if you don't know, you don't want to.

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