You know how some kids have those memories of walking in on their parents doing things that they never wanted to know parents do? Trevin will now have one of them.
Now, before you click off my blog and report me to anyone...hear me out.
I worked out on Wednesday. An hour of aerobics that dern near killed me since I haven't worked out in some hrrrrmmmmffff months. I was gently explaining to Above Average Joe that I was so very sore and he replied in the most expected of ways by mocking me. I took it upon myself at that time, to pounce the man and beat on him to the best of my ability. In my pouncing his legs went up and so I decided that my best plan of attack would be one of bending Joe in half since he is not the most flexible of guys. So I have his feet up in the air and I am standing over him and I realize we are in the perfect position for an "airplane".
**For those of you unfamiliar with "airplanes" it is where one person lies flat on their backs and another is standing and facing them. The person who is lying down puts their feet on the other person's hips and then lifts them into the air with the greatest of ease**
....So I requested an airplane from my husband. And then Trevin walked in and yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MOMMY!?!?!?!?!" Seriously, just like that. So now when Trevin is talking to his therapist about the many things we did wrong I'm sure this story will be at the top of the list. In the meantime Joe and I cannot stop laughing.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
2 Months...kinda

The summer is only getting hotter so being outside is getting more uncomfortable, plus working around 2 kids naptimes makes it a bit tricky to be too outgoing but we are enjoying the family time together. Joe still has had no luck on the job front so I have gone back to part-part time work. Nothing too strenusous or gainful but helpful, none-the-less. In efforts to do something to bring money in Above Average Joe did help out his brother-in-law for a few days in his bee keeping business and it kicked his trash. It only confirmed that even though Above Average Joe rocks and stuff...he really prefers a desk job. But if you want any really good honey for your food storage, let me know. This stuff kicks any regular honey bear's butt!
Trevin is enjoying the days of summer by spending a lot of them with his dad and his new wife and 4 kids. Garrin is on the verge of turning 2 and so full of energy and fun. He keeps amazing us and I need to be better about posting all the greatness he is so that my sleep haze doesn't take away too much from these formidable memories.
We are just trudging forward waiting for fate/karma/employment to really take hold and give us a better sense of direction. Until then we will continue to enjoy our lazy summer days with our beautiful family.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I have a ton of pictures to upload but honestly, I'm too lazy to do it today. So for today I will just say that Kiya now smiles! It melts both her father and I and it makes the sleep depervation a little more worth it.

Garrin has now learned to climb to the top of the bunk bed. The problem is he has yet to learn how to climb down so we get called in at random hours of the day (when nap time should be) and early in the morning (when everyone should still be asleep) to assist the small lad down to the floor. And just this evening we discovered that he can climb up on our bed on his own. This is no small feat. If you have seen our bed, you know of what I speak. I have to climb to get into our bed. It's tall enough for Above Average it's high. This little guy is getting more and more difficult to keep up with. But his little sister does love watching him.
Garrin has now learned to climb to the top of the bunk bed. The problem is he has yet to learn how to climb down so we get called in at random hours of the day (when nap time should be) and early in the morning (when everyone should still be asleep) to assist the small lad down to the floor. And just this evening we discovered that he can climb up on our bed on his own. This is no small feat. If you have seen our bed, you know of what I speak. I have to climb to get into our bed. It's tall enough for Above Average it's high. This little guy is getting more and more difficult to keep up with. But his little sister does love watching him.
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