Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wanna Know?

So, you wanna know how to let everyone know that you have arrived in a new neighborhood? You attend church and during sacrament meeting have your 3 year old yell out to the congregation that "HIS PENIS IS BIG AND HE DOESN'T LIKE IT!!!" Yep. About 3 times. That's right folks. Garrin announced us properly and let everyone know several things about our family right off. That his mother teaches him the correct names of body parts and he has no issue with letting you know what is happening with each and every correctly named body part. You will also see that the other menfolk of the family are useless when penis jokes abound. Joe went RED from laughing so hard and Trevin had to bury his head under Joe so he didn't make anymore noises. I, of course, simply kept my head up and my composure as everyone took it the fact that this little family is just bringing some class into the neighborhood. I'm sure they'll all thank me later.


The Shill Spill said...

That is purely AWESOME!

justging said...

That is hilarious Jeneece! I can't wait to come stay with you this summer!